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Korea Logistic of Shinozaki

From the start of construction in 1995, Port Busan, with the help of the Korean Government has become redeveloped into what is now considered to be a mega hub port of logistics in the Northeast. The annual capacity of this port in Busan exceeds the combined total of Japan’s top 3 ports. With the establishment of Busan Port, serving as a surefire international hub, Japanese affiliated companies will be able to further promote their distribution into Far East Asia. The advantages of a Free Economic Zone (FTZ) and various special measures or enhancements have been provided by Busan Port to enable logistics to land, store, handle, manufacture, reconfigure and re-export freight to enhance a nations competitiveness like never before. Shinozaki Transportation partnered with Korean group business, DNI Logistics and HND Logistics to build a distribution centre in the re-developed FTZ port of Busan in the year 2013.

Close proximity to the Container Yard (CY) new port in Busan in conjunction with the benefits of FTZ allows for further development of our distribution outreach.

Daegun Nexus International Logistics

Daegun Nexus International Logistics
【Daegun Nexus International Logistics】
 NEXUS Busan New Port, No. 1 Distribution Centre

Area: platform units, thru-units
Area: 16,942 ㎡
Primary Business:
 1)Vehicle-related VMI/LLP/ILN
 2)Bulk Cargo Import and Export
 3)Life Consumable Supplies Distribution Processing for Third World Countries

Hartrodt Nexus Daewoo Logistics

Hartrodt Nexus Daewoo Logistics
【Hartrodt Nexus Daewoo Logistics】
   NEXUS Busan New Port, No. 2 Distribution Centre

Area: platform units, thru-units
Area: 26,446 ㎡

Korean Logistic Services & solution

International transport services

国際Transportation service

Regardless of forwarding routes, whether it be from Japan or to Japan, China and the mega port in Busan serve as effective hubs to maintain your company’s cost effectiveness.
Determine the mode of transportation, whether it be shipping in bulk, chartering a ferry, or taking Sea & Rail transport via Korea/Japan (12F container).

FTZ Logistics Services

FTZ Logistics Services

As well as, a service supporting Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) in the FTZ, our distribution centre is equipped to handle processing, manual load creation, productization, and various aspects of supply chain management duties or customs.

Bulk Cargo Distribution Service

Bulk Cargo Distribution Service

Specialization in the exportation of bulk cargo such as steel, nonferrous metals, and shipbuilding components may require the operation of powered industrial trucks.
Respond to field support in collaboration with local areas of third world country freight and cargo transportation needs.
